Driver Training Courses

AAA Resources

AAA’s RoadWise™ Driver courses provide seniors with defensive driving skills. These courses are offered both online and in-person.

As with any other skill, driving can be improved continuously throughout life. Look into all of the resources that AAA has to offer for Senior Drivers. The AAA website provides many resources for mature drivers and their families.

AARP Smart Driver Course

The AARP Smart Driver Course is designed for drivers age 50 and older. Volunteers teach proven safety strategies to help drivers continue driving safely for as long as possible.

Find an AARP Smart Driver online course

Find an AARP Smart Driver in-person course

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One out of four New Jersey residents is 55 years or older. Mature Defensive Driver Courses are designed to help mature drivers 55 years and older adapt to normal physical changes that are part of the aging process. A list of State-approved courses can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the list here:

NJ MVC Mature Defensive Driver Courses